Florida Document Specialists
Customer Portal for Online Notarization Orders
Need Help?  Call 386-256-5540 or email:  notary@FloridaDocument.com

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Please review the following to ensure a smooth process:
  • Signers must be of sound mind, free from coercion, and understand what they're signing. If they don't speak English or Spanish fluently, we can provide a certified interpreter. Coaching signers or assuming they know enough English will result in immediate rejection. 

  • Upload documents in PDF or MS Word format (preferred). Only unsigned documents are accepted, as you'll sign in the notary's presence. Ensure all sections are complete; we can't notarize blank, incomplete, or detached signature pages. The entire document must be uploaded for notarization.

  • For a Last Will and Testament, only Florida Electronic Wills can be notarized online. Call for details.
  • For pricing, visit our pricing page.
Online Notary Intake Questionnaire - Florida Document Specialists