Swimming World magazine and Hasty Awards wish to recognize an official for their outstanding contributions to local swimming. Each LSC or other governing body can submit a candidate that is deserving of recognition. Nominations must be submitted by the end of April,of each year.  Six officials will be selected for the award with each award and recognition in Swimming World magazine given every two months.  Nominatons are held for two (2) years.


At the time the award is received the individual must:

  • Be a current member of USA Swimming or other swimming governing body
  • Be a currently certified official in good standing as a referee, starter, stroke and turn judge or administrative official
  • Have made significant contributions to local competitive swimming
Person Completing Form
Address to send the award
Will the recipient be notified prior to receiving their award? *
Nominee's Information
0/250 words
All winnners are mentioned in Swimming World Bi-Monthly and may read about it prior to receivng their award.
Please upload high resolution (minimum 256kb) recent color photo.

Click the SUBMIT button when you have completed the form