REPORTING FORM

USA Swimming requires reporting of sexual misconduct and/or child abuse by any member and strongly encourages reporting of any concerns relating to Safe Sport. USA Swimming appreciates your willingness to report inappropriate behavior. By submitting this form, you are giving permission to USA Swimming's Safe Sport Program staff to contact you.

Out of respect for the importance of this issue and to encourage honest and effective reporting, knowingly making a false or vindictive report will not be tolerated and may be a violation of USA Swimming's Code of Conduct.  
Reports may be made anonymously and there is no cost/fee associated with filing a report.

Person Being Reported
Provide as much information as possible about the person you are reporting. 
Position(s) this individual holds or held *

Alleged Offense Information
Provide as much specific information as you are able. 
Type of Offense (select all that apply*
Knowledge of victim(s) involved in the alleged offense

Victim or Victims
If you are the victim and wish to remain anonymous, you may do so. In that case, please enter your name as Anonymous. You may also be unaware of who the victim is.  In that case, please enter Unknown.
Fill this section out if additional victims are involved.

Individual(s) Who May Have Additional Information
List anyone who may be able to provide additional information regarding the alleged offense.  We will not identify you when we contact these individuals. 

Report Submitted By
You may remain anonymous if you wish. However, providing your information is vastly helpful to a swift and effective investigation. All reports are kept strictly confidential by Safe Sport Program staff.  A person reporting alleged misconduct should not fear any retribution and/or consequence when filing a report he/she believes is true. Retaliation of a report made in good faith is a violation of the USA Swimming Code of Conduct. 
USA Swimming Member *
Relationship to victim (if any)

Other Information

Click the SUBMIT button when you have completed the form
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