LSC Agreed Upon Procedures Inquiry Checklist

Completed By:

General Company Information
Accrual or Cash Method of Accounting: *
Others involved in Accounting Functions:
    Person who maintains books and records:

Instructions: The purpose of this checklist is to supplement the agreed upon procedures
engagement performed by an independent accountant. This form should be completed by an
LSC representative and provided to the independent accountant to be submitted with the final
agreed upon procedures deliverable.

As you complete this document, you will be asked to choose answers from drop down menus,
check boxes, select dates and type text answers.

Policies & Procedures Manuals

An accounting manual should provide answers to questions, instruction to accounting personnel,
and provide the means to apply consistent reporting of business transactions. The document
must be useful and, more importantly, used. Therefore, it should be organized, complete, and

It should be available to all who need or think they need it. Certainly, the accounting staff needs
the manual. Also, managers, and others who submit accounting data should have the manual
available to them.

It should always be current. A plan or method for updating policies with changes, additions, or
deletions to the document is a must.
Does the LSC have written accounting policies and procedures established to describe the accounting system and ensure transactions are accounted for consistently (as described above)? *

Bank Accounts
All accounts are on the books and financials. *
Are funds deposited in a bank with FDIC protection? *
Has the balance in any account exceeded the protection limits at any time during the period being reviewed? *

List all bank account numbers and corresponding general ledger account numbers: *
 Account NumberGeneral Ledger Number
Additional account number and corresponding general ledger account number:
 Account NumberGeneral Ledger Number
Additional account number and corresponding general ledger account number:
 Account NumberGeneral Ledger Number

All Accounts are held in the name of the LSC (not an individual). *
Do volunteers or employees of the LSC possess debit cards for any bank accounts? *
If Yes, list names:
Are all account signers authorized by the Board of Directors? *
The LSC is in compliance with stipulations regarding who can sign checks and/or authorize payments and there is a process for ensuring the bank is notified immediately of all changes to signers. *

Please list the names and titles of the current account signers: *
Account Signer
Additional account signer:
Account Signer
Additional account signer:
Account Signer
Additional account signer:
Account Signer
Additional account signer:
Account Signer

Are these policies stated above strictly adhered to? *
Does the LSC use bill pay or other online payment methods? *
Blank checks are never signed. *
Payments are processed by someone other than the authorizing individual. *
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