CP Materials Order Form

To request materials, complete the form below and submit it over the Internet by clicking the "Submit Form" button. Your information will be received the Executive Leadership Group.

Or you can print out this form and mail it to:
Cooperative Program Materials
Tennessee Baptist Mission Board
P.O. Box 682789
Franklin, TN 37068

Order Materials:

Cooperative Program Videos on USB Drive

Sometimes it’s nice having all our resources in one place on your computer. Perfect for PowerPoints™, ProPresenter™ presentations or photo-copy machines. This USB has a trove of digital assets including 10 CP and GOTM videos and PDFs.  The USB drive is 3 GB and is free to all our cooperating churches.

Personalized Cooperative Program Budget
This personalized form for your church shows “Where Our Cooperative Program Dollar Goes”. These figures are based on your church's 2019-2020 ACP Report and gifts received 11/01/20 through 10/31/21. This educational resource may be duplicated.