2PC Youth Reference Form

Youth Ministry
Second Presbyterian Church
4055 Poplar Ave
Memphis, TN 38111
Thank you so much for being willing to be a part of the application process for youth ministry. It will become a part of the applicant's application and will be used to help determine his or her suitability for the desired position. No single reference will determine acceptance or refusal, so frank appraisal will be appreciated by both the candidate and the selection committee. All information is confidential. Please be sure to fill out the applicant's name when filling out this reference form so that we know WHO you are referring to.  If you have any questions please email will.nease@2pc.org or call us at 901-454-0034. 
For which job is the candidate applying?  *
Please select whether you are filling this form out as a pastor/ministry leader or as a peer. *
Confidential Information Concerning:
Please respond to the following questions clearly and concisely.
2. Please give your frank evaluation of the applicant's:
3. Please rate the candidate with respect to each of the characteristics listed below by checking the appropriate blank. Check N/A for items which you feel you have had no opportunity to observe. Please feel free to add any appropriate modifying element.
A. Initiative *
E. Interpersonal Skills *
B. Responsiveness (to needs/concerns of others) *
F. Physical Health *
C. Teamwork *
G. Leadership Abilities *
D. Sense of Humor *
H. Personal Appraisal *
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this reference form. We appreciate it, as does the applicant. You have obviously made an impact on this applicant’s life, so I want to encourage you in that. If you have any questions or would like to talk with me about anything regarding this applicant, please feel free to call me at (901) 485-4348. Thank you again for your time, and may God bless you!
By God’s Grace,
Will Nease
Director of Senior High Ministries, 2PC Memphis