Nigel Mills MP - Residents Survey
Please only complete your contact details if you consent to being contacted by phone and email by Nigel Mills MP and the Conservative Party. You can opt out at any time.
The Conservative Party and Nigel Mills MP use the information you provide for the purposes of democratic engagement. This covers a wide range of activities inside and outside election periods, including but not limited to: democratic representation; communicating with you; surveying and opinion gathering, campaigning activities; activities to increase voter turnout; supporting the work of elected representatives, prospective candidates and official candidates; and fundraising to support any of these activities.
For full terms of use and how to exercise your rights see our Privacy Notice at

Cost of living support

How important do you consider the following measures in helping residents and businesses with the rising cost of living?
Reducing energy bill costs
Supporting businesses to reduce costs
Continuing to reduce fuel duty and the cost of transport
Personal tax cuts: Reducing income tax and increasing the personal allowance
Measures to reduce inflation and reduce food prices

Local priorities & housing

Which THREE of these local issues do you think should be prioritised?
As Amber Valley Borough Council continue the process of producing a new Local Plan, what are your priorities for future growth or housing?

National priorities

What are your priorities for Government spending? (With 10 as a main priority and 0 as not a priority)
Do you support the Government’s policy of sending people crossing the Channel illegally to Rwanda?
What is your biggest priority for Government transport investment:

Tackling crime

Have you witnessed or experienced any crime or antisocial behaviour?
Which TWO of the following are you most concerned about?
Which TWO of the following would be your priorities to tackle crime & anti-social behaviour concerns?

Health services

As we recover from the pandemic, which THREE would describe your priorities for our NHS?

You and your views

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Thinking ahead to the next elections, as things stand today, what are the chances of you voting for each of the following parties - on a scale of 0–10, where 0 means there would be no chance of you voting for the party and 10 means you would be absolutely certain to vote for the party?
* formerly known as the Brexit Party
Can you help Amber Valley Conservatives stand up for our area?
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Promoted by Nigel Mills MP of Amber Valley Conservative Association, Unicorn House, Wellington Street, Ripley, DE5 3EH.
The Conservative Party and Nigel Mills MP use the information you provide for the purposes of democratic engagement. This covers a wide range of activities inside and outside election periods, including but not limited to: democratic representation; communicating with you; surveying and opinion gathering, campaigning activities; activities to increase voter turnout; supporting the work of elected representatives, prospective candidates and official candidates; and fundraising to support any of these activities.