Inter School Horse Shows

Rider Entry Form

(this form is for teams who are signing up all of their riders and paying for all of them with one check - for others, please have each rider fill out the invidual rider entry form)

Hosted by NFF Stables

18205 Darnestown Road (Rt. 28)

Poolesville, MD 20837

(301) 536-9077

Show Date

Which show date are you registering for? *

School / Team Information

Rider #1 Information

For Varsity Riders, Add Medal Class? (if yes, add $36 to total)
Was this entry submitted prior to midnight, one week prior to the show date? (if no, please add $20 to total) *

Coaches - Please ask each rider's parent to go into the "Rider Entry Form" before the first show to enter all of their personal data (address, phone, email, etc.) and sign the hold harmless waiver there. Make sure they choose the one that says "check or other payment" and not "online payment." This will provide us with their data and waiver signature which we will keep on file for the remainder of the season without requiring them to send payment, which you are doing for them. They only need to do this once.

Payment Method

If you want to pay online, use the other form. If you prefer to pay by check or some other method of payment, please indicate below: *