Newsroom by the Bay — Online
Summer 2020: June 29-July 10
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Applicant's First Name
Middle name
Last Name
First name or nickname you'd like us to use (if not above)
Your Email Address
Retype email address
Date of Birth (required for online participation)
Gender: We use this information for program purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential by our staff.
Prefer not to say
How old will you be on Monday, June 29, 2020, when NBTB Online begins?
What grade will you enter in September 2020 (AFTER NBTB Online ends)?
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade
Home or Boarding School Address Line 1
Home or Boarding School Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number — U.S. (if applicable)
Phone Number — International (if applicable)
Residence Status
U.S. citizen
U.S. permanent resident
Non-U.S. citizen or permanent resident
For U.S. students: Your race/ethnicity (optional)
African American
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
For which NBTB strand are you applying? (Please note: Year 2 students serve as editors for our NBTB publications. Check Y2 only if you have editorial experience, e.g., as a senior editor on your school publication or an outside youth media publication).
Year 1
Year 2
Summer 2020 is our 10th anniversary, and we’re expanding to two weeks in part because we want to grapple with two of the biggest stories of our time: the presidential election and the youth movement around climate change. Pick ONE of these topics and describe what it means to you personally. Why is this topic on your mind? How have you engaged with this topic? What is it about the state of politics or climate change that moves you the most? (150 words)
0/150 words
At NBTB we use design thinking as a way of exploring journalism and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. That includes learning by doing, embracing failure as an opportunity to learn, and a "yes, and" mindset that allows others to express and develop ideas that might seem initially impossible. Which of these approaches would (honestly) challenge you? Which might inspire you? (150 words)
0/150 words
In a politically polarized world, journalism has the power to keep curiosity alive — to ask the questions that uncover information and not just bias or dogma. No matter where you live, chances are you are on one side of a political divide. What is it about the other side that makes you curious? What do you want to understand? (150 words)
0/150 words
Learning Together
What time zone will you be in for NBTB Online?
Japan Standard Time (UTC + 9), e.g. Tokyo
China Standard Time (UTC + 8), e.g. Beijing; also Hong Kong, Taipei
U.S. Pacific Time (UTC + 7), e.g. San Francisco
U.S. Mountain Time (UTC +6), e.g. Denver
U.S. Central Time (UTC + 5), e.g. Chicago
U.S. Eastern Time (UTC + 4), e.g. New York
Middle East (UTC + 3), e.g., Amman
East Africa (UTC + 3), e.g. Nairobi
Europe (UTC + 2), e.g. Paris
Central Africa (UTC + 2), e.g. Johannesburg
UK (UTC + 1), e.g. London
West Africa (UTC + 1), e.g. Morocco
Each day you'll have four 45-minute classes, special speakers or newsroom time from 8 a.m. PT to noon PT. This time is best for U.S. students and students in the UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. For students in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan it will be late evening (11 p.m. plus). All classes and speakers will be recorded and available to students the same day. Given your time zone, which will you do?
This can work — I'll participate in real time (morning or afternoon)
No problem, I'm awake late — I'll stay up for at least one class!
Sorry, I'll be asleep — but I will watch the class the next day
If you watch a recorded class, would you like a follow-up session in your time zone with an instructor to make sure you understand the material and go over any questions?
Yes, that would be great!
No, not necessary for me
After class, you'll have afternoon reporting time and drop-in coaching time with your team leader between 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. PT every day. This time is best for students in the U.S., UK, Europe and parts of Africa. Students in Asia and the Middle East will be partnered with a team leader for online coaching help via email and Google docs. Given your time zone, which will you do?
Afternoons and late evenings work! I’ll do drop-in
Please partner me with an online coach
You'll have a daily 45-minute check-in with your news team at 5:30 p.m. PT every day. This time is 8:30 p.m. in New York and 8:30 a.m. the next day in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Students in the UK, Europe and Africa will check in by Slack, Google and/or email. Check-ins are super-important for creating your story, working with your story partners and designing your publication. Given your time zone, which will you do?
Nice — evening works for my daily team check-in. See you there!
Thank goodness, it will be morning for me! Count me in
Yikes — I’ll be asleep at that hour. But I’ll be sure to update my team virtually
Technology and Tools
Which of these tools do you have and could you use for NBTB Online? Check one or more:
I have a laptop/iPad or tablet
I have a desktop computer
I have a smartphone
I have a DSLR/other camera
I have access to Adobe tools (Audition, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere or other)
Specify/add any other tools:
Specify/add any other tools:
Will you have reliable Internet access for NBTB Online this summer?
Not sure - I need to check it out
Check the digital tools below that are familiar to you/you use. Don't worry if these tools are new to you or unavailable — there are many ways to tell a story. We'll find the right one for you.
Adobe Audition
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Photoshop
Facebook/Facebook Live
Google hangouts
Google docs, sheets, Drive and other tools
Slack workspace and group messaging
Financial Assistance
Limited financial assistance is available for U.S. students who can send documentation of need (a 2019 tax return, eligibility for free/reduced lunch or other). If you will need assistance, please check "yes" below:
Billing Contact Information
Please tell us where to send the e-invoice for payment if you are accepted.
Billing Contact First Name
Middle name
Billing Contact Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number — U.S. (if applicable)
Phone Number — International (if applicable)
Billing Contact Email Address
Retype email address
School Information
Applicant's High School
High School Principal First Name
High School Principal Last Name
High School Counselor First Name
Counselor Last Name
Email of counselor or other school contact
Retype email address
Address Line 1 of High School
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number — U.S. (if applicable)
Phone Number — International (if applicable)
School Journalism Program
We are interested in learning about your school's journalism program. We sometimes contact school journalism advisers to learn more about their programs and to offer opportunities to collaborate. Note that you do not need to be in a journalism program at your school in order to participate in NBTB Online.
First Name of Journalism Adviser or Teacher
Last Name of Journalism Adviser or Teacher
Adviser/Teacher's email
Retype email address
Which best describes your school's journalism program?
How many students participate in your school's journalism program?
Fewer than 10
Fewer than 20
Fewer than 30
More than 30
What type(s) of publishing opportunities are available in your school's journalism program?
Newspaper/newsmagazine (1-3 issues per year)
Newspaper/newsmagazine (4-6 issues per year)
Newspaper/newsmagazine (7 or more issues per year)
Literary magazine
If your school has an online journalism publication, what is its URL?
What role, if any, do you have in your school's journalism program? Please describe your duties and experience.
NBTB will offer three publishing opportunities this summer: 1) an interactive magazine, 2) a global journalism website and 3) a broadcast channel. You will apply for a staff position on one of these after your first week. Prior experience is not required but passion and commitment are. Which of these publications would be your top choice, and why?
0/100 words
Honors, Awards and Activities
Please list any awards or honors that you have received.
Please list any sports, extracurricular, or community service activities in which you've participated.
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian #1 First Name
Middle name
Last Name
Street Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Home phone number — U.S. (if applicable)
Home phone number — International (if applicable)
Cell Phone Number — U.S. (if applicable)
Cell Phone Number — International (if applicable)
Parent/guardian #1 email:
Retype email address
Parent/Guardian #2 First Name
Middle name
Last Name
Street Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Home phone number — U.S. (if applicable)
Home phone number — International (if applicable)
Cell Phone Number — U.S. (if applicable)
Cell Phone Number — International (if applicable)
Parent/guardian #2 email:
Retype email address
Due to the disruption in schools caused by coronavirus and the unusual demands on teachers at this time, we are waiving recommendations for NBTB Online. But please provide the name and email of an adviser/teacher who knows you well in case we have questions.
Recommender's First Name
Recommender's Last Name
Phone number — U.S. or International
Recommender's Email Address
Retype Email Address
Almost finished! How did you hear about us?
Please choose one or more:
Google ad
Facebook page or ad
Encountered while web surfing
Postcard delivered to my school
Referred by a former NBTB student
C:JET (Communication: Journalism Education Today) ad
Stanford Magazine ad
Workshop or convention
Referred by educational consultant
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