PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Home Care Services

Nurses at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Home Care Services have been in negotiations for ten months and working without a contract for seven months.
PeaceHealth is refusing to maintain wage parity between home care and hospital nurses even though their work is equally important and difficult. PeaceHealth hospital and home care nurses’ wages have always been equal. Not only that, but PeaceHealth has proposed take aways on advanced degrees and other compensation. PeaceHealth nurses deserve equal pay for equal work.
Home care nurses are asking for a reasonable wage increase that equals what PeaceHealth gave other local nurses and to hold the line on other compensation. The difference between the nurses’ wage proposal and PeaceHealth’s is only $2.8 million over four years. That is just about the same as the annual salary increase PeaceHealth CEO Liz Dunne received in 2021, in the middle of the COVID pandemic. It is also about the same as PeaceHealth says it will “save” monthly by closing Eugene’s only hospital—which will create even more need for skilled home care nurses.
We demand that PeaceHealth meet local home care nurses’ reasonable compensation proposal and settle this contract.
It is shameful that PeaceHealth gave their CEO a 25% annual raise and refuses to give frontline nurses a raise that barely keeps up with inflation. Its time for PeaceHealth to show respect for our nurses and our community and settle this contract.

Petition by the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA).
ONA nurses will present the complete petition to PeaceHealth Sacred Heart executives. 

My family or I have received care or services from nurses with PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Home Care Services and I'm willing to be interviewed about my experience to share how valuable/important/meaningful their assistance was. *
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