Providence: Return to the Table and Avoid a Strike

To: Providence Health & Services Leadership 

We, the undersigned, demand that Providence Health & Services immediately return to the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith with the nearly 5,000 physicians, nurses, and other frontline caregivers represented by the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) and Pacific Northwest Hospital Medicine Association (PNWHMA). 

Caregivers are ready and willing to meet at any time to reach a fair deal that ensures safe staffing and protects patient care. Yet, your refusal to bargain during the 10-day strike notice period guarantees a strike that will impact the patients and communities who rely on your hospitals. 

Other hospital systems routinely bargain during the 10-day notice period and, as a result, have avoided strikes. Your failure to do the same demonstrates a blatant disregard for the well-being of caregivers and the patients they serve. This is not about logistics—it’s about your priorities. 

You have the power to prevent this strike, yet your inaction and refusal to engage leaves caregivers with no choice but to take action. ONA and PNWHMA caregivers are standing up for safe staffing, fair pay, and better patient care, and your refusal to meet them at the table jeopardizes all of that. 

We demand that you return to the table now. Your refusal to negotiate is putting patient care and caregiver safety at risk. A strike is entirely avoidable if you act immediately. 

Show the nearly 5,000 union-represented caregivers—and the communities that rely on them—that you are committed to doing what’s right. Stop prioritizing corporate profits over patients and caregivers. 

Come back to the table. Negotiate a fair contract. Stop the strike before it begins. 

I, the undersigned, call upon Providence management to agree to fair contracts that help recruit new healthcare professionals, retain the exceptional workers we have, ensure the highest quality patient care for our community, and create a safe working environment. *
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