SPRC Evaluation Form for Residents (BOM)

The Resident is to collaborate with the SPRC on ministry goals. The whole committee fills out this worksheet as a group, and then, following the meeting, the SPRC Chair or a designated representative may submit the electronic form to the Residency Team of the Conference BOM. The due date is January 31. You may send a letter or documentation to BOMresidency@arumc.org if you believe it will assist the BOM in its process.
A SPRC training video in on the conference website (http://arumc.org/residency-in-ministry/) that has more information about how to create an evaluation.
Please submit a single form that contains an evaluation from the entire committee.

For Questions, please contact Dr. Blake Bradford, Director of the BOM's Residency Program, at BOMresidency@arumc.org.
1. Please note 3 or 4 areas in which you believe that the Resident is particularly effective in ministry:
2. What areas still need to be addressed in the life and ministry of the Resident? (Growing Edges)
Did the SPRC view the online Residency In Ministry training video provided by the BOM *
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