Leonard A Lado MD·TM, RPh, ABPN
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Psychiatrist
9410 Fountain Medical Court, Suite #200
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM 
Phone: 239.948.4325
Click here for MAP or Driving Direction
If you need to cancel your appointment please fill out this form: Appointment Cancellations

Patient Information

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Appointment Information

We currently do not provide counseling but are able to do an evaluation and refer to a therapist.
We do prescribe medications.
Please note that a retainer fee may be required since legal cases require more documentation!
What you are needing treatment for? (Please check all apply) *
Are you visiting for pain killer (Suboxone) treatment? *
Please note that insurance companies will pay for the first evaluation but may not pay for induction!
(the first Suboxone treatment)
Is Suboxone already prescribed for you? *
Is this Patient under the age of 18? *
Lado Healing Institute only sees patients who are 18 or older!
Save & Return Account (optional)
New Users / Returning Users CLICK HERE to setup or return to your account for this form. Creating an account enables you to return to this form and your submitted results. An account will also enable you to partially complete this form and return later to finish. The account you establish is only for this form.
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Leonard A Lado MD·TM, RPh, ABPN
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Psychiatrist
9410 Fountain Medical Court Suite #200, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 | Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM |
Click here for MAP or Driving Direction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Phone: 239.948.4325                                
If you need to cancel your appointment please fill out this form: Appointment Cancellations