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Application form to be considerd for the

2024-2025 APEX Board of Directors Slate
Due: 16 August 2024
To apply or nominate an APEX member for consideration to run for the Board of Directors, please complete this application and submit all necessary documents within this form (attachments can also be emailed to Courtney Truelove, ctruelove@apex.aero). Note, your application will be reviewed and considered by the APEX Nominations Committee. Based on the application and those discussions, the committee will finalize a slate of candidates, subject to Board approval, to be included on the election ballot distributed in September 2024.
Nominees must be members of APEX. Please select a member category: *
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I confirm that the above information is accurate and understand that it will be publicized for election purposes. Also, I have read and understand the requirements listed below. *

Further, all nominees must provide the following documents to the Nominations Committee:

  • Endorsement from two APEX member companies.
  • A letter from your manager confirming the commitment of the company for the candidate to fulfil his/her obligations as a board member. Importantly, this will include your company’s pre-approval for provision of flights to attend APEX Board meetings. Hotel accommodation at most board meetings is provided by APEX, and at least two of the board meetings are held adjacent to industry events that you may already be planning to attend.

Note, in considering potential service on the APEX Board of Directors, please carefully evaluate your time and willingness to fulfil the following minimum requirements:

  • Serve a two-year term that will commence at the conculsion of APEX Global EXPO this year.

  • Attend the New Board Orientation session via video call.

  • Attend board meetings and assigned committee meetings via video call.

  • Travel - Typically, there are two in-person APEX Board of Directors meetings during the year including Global EXPO and APEX's annual strategic summit each spring. Flights are the responsibility of the board member. For APEX's strategic summit, hotel accommodations will be provided. Hotel accommodations are not provided for meetings in conjunction with Global EXPO. For all in-person meetings, APEX will provide meals.

  • Prepare for each APEX Board meeting by carefully studying the agenda and supporting materials.

  • Support all APEX Board decisions publicly even if you may have not voted in favor of the decision taken.

  • Fulfill any assignments. Ensure availability for conference calls, complete assigned tasks within the timelines agreed upon and respond to all APEX Board, staff, member and media requests in a timely manner. Complete all APEX Board reports and duties.

  • Plan to make five or more hours available for APEX activities monthly.

  • Attend EXPO along with as many in-person events as possible while serving as a goodwill ambassador for APEX throughout the year.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their intention to join the APEX Board of Directors with the Chair of the Nominations Committee to ensure that both are clear about roles and interests should the applicant be elected.

Chair of the Nominations Committee: Anton Vidgen, Riyadh Air

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