2025 APEX / IFSA Awards Judge Nomination Form

Entries must be received no later than 26 July, 2024

Requirements for Judges

Judges must commit to:

1. Review and evaluate all entries including the entry form, description and any attachments.

2. Will not qualify as a judge if your company has submitted an award application for the category you have chosen.

3. Score each entry based on relevant qualifying criteria. You will be provided with a scoring rubric to guide your judging.

4. Complete evaluation/scoring at agreed upon time.

5. Agree to keep submissions in strict confidence and agree to the terms in a confidentiality agreement.

If you would like to submit an awards nomination, please click here.

For APEX / IFSA: A panel of judges comprised of current members will review and score all submissions to determine finalists. Finalists will move on to a second round of judging during APEX Global EXPO featuring a panel of media and/or member judges.

For APEX: A panel of judges comprised of current members will review and score all submissions to determine finalists. Finalists will move on to a second round of judging during APEX Global EXPO featuring a panel of media and/or member judges.

For IFSA: A panel of judges comprised of current members will review and score all submissions to determine finalists. Finalists will move on to a second round of judging during APEX Global EXPO featuring a panel of media and/or member judges.

Winners will be announced and Awards will be presented during the EXPO Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 30 October, 2024.

Must be an APEX member to judge APEX awards or APEX / IFSA joint awards.
Must be an IFSA member to judge IFSA awards or APEX / IFSA joint awards.
Please select the Award(s) you would like to judge: *
If different from the nominee, please provide your information below:
Confidentiality Agreement
APEX and IFSA Awards’ judges may handle or have access to confidential information. Judges will hold all information marked confidential in trust and confidence, and will not use, disclose, communicate or convey, or allow to be used, disclosed, communicated or conveyed, directly or indirectly, any such information, except as may be necessary in the performance of their duties. Judges will not allow any unauthorized person or persons to inspect or have access to any document that is of a confidential nature and marked as such, regardless of media format. *