This is a private lesson REQUEST. Your information will be captured and we will do our best to match you with an instructor as soon as possible. Upon completion of this form, an instructor will be in touch with you as lesson times become available.  In the event we get more requests than we can handle, you will be added to a waiting list.  All fees must be paid in full before lessons begin.
Submissions will be reviewed once a week. Please do not email or call, we will contact you.  Thank you for your cooperation and interest in our aquatics program.



Which type of Lesson are you interested in? *
How many Private Lessons are you interested in? *
How many Semi-Private lessons are you interested in? Prices are per person, up to 3 individuals. You are responsible for finding the other individuals to attend the Semi-Private Lessons) *
Preferred day of the week (select all that apply) *
Preferred time of day *


Does your child respond to verbal cues? *
Is your child comfortable without a parent or guardian near? *
Can your child blow bubbles through their mouth and nose under water? *
Can your child go completely underwater unassisted? *
Can your child jump into chest deep water unassisted without a flotation device? *
Can your child float on their back AND their front on their own without the use of a flotation device? *
Can your child swim 10-15 yards unassisted on their front and back? *
Can your child swim the front crawl, back crawl and the breaststroke across the pool unassisted? *
Does your child know all the strokes and can swim 25 yards (1 length of our pool) using the front stroke/backcrawl? *
Does your child have any experience in an of the following? (select all that apply) *