Easter All Call

Want to play a role in our Easter production? Be a part of this life-changing experience! There’s a place for you to use your skills and talents. You can be an actor, dancer, or part of our crews for a variety of teams (production, stage makeup, costume management, scenic arts, hospitality, medical, and more). Build friendships while serving to bring the story of Christ to life!

Preferred Language | Idioma Preferido

Join The Dream Team

If you are not sure which team you would like to join, don't worry we got you covered! You can select the "I Don't Know Yet" option and one of our team members will be in contact with you to help you find your place here with us!

Serve This Easter

Thank you so much for taking the interest in serving with us this Easter!

Please fill out the information below to join one of our teams here.

Light Up the Night

Thank you so much for taking the interest in serving with us at Light Up the Night!

Please fill out the information below to join one or more of our teams here.

Serve at Sonfun

Thank you so much for taking the interest in serving with us this June at Sonfun!

Please fill out the information below

Frederick - Select one of the teams you would like to be part of:
Gaithersburg - Select one of the teams you would like to be part of:
Creative - Select an Option
Dream Team Hospitality - Select an Option
Easter Cast & Crew Volunteer Recruitment - Select an Option
Help keep bathrooms in clean condition.
Guest Experience - Select an Option
Online Prayer Host Volunteers:
Interact with our online viewers. Provide and uplift viewers in prayer, support, and encouragement.
Spanish Ministry - Select an Option
Spanish Ministry | Spanish Greeter Team - Select an Option
Facebook Online Hosting:
Church of The Redeemer en Español! Interact with viewers from all over the world, chat live, welcome them, pray for them and share important information about the message and our church.
Sonfun - Select one of the teams you would like to be part of:
T-shirt size - 1 shirt per person
What days are you available to serve the full day | 7:30 AM-3:00 PM
Are you available to attend the mandatory volunteer training date in person at the Gaithersburg Campus on Wednesday, June 12 6:30 PM-8:30 PM. 
Do you need child care (0-pre-k)
Worship Team - 
What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Redeemer Creative Team - 
What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Youth Ministry
What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Spanish Ministry
What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Inside Guest Experience - What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Kids Ministry - What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Guest Experience Team - 
What Team Would You Like to be Part of?
Love Your Neighbor Occurs the 3rd Saturday of Every Month
Saturday, February 15, 2025.
Select Your Location and Arrive at the Indicated Time:
Adopt a Block - 
Select Your Desired Role:
Adopt a Block - 
Monday, May 5, 2025
Red Cross Blood Drive - 
When Can You Serve?
Lord's Table Occurs the 1st Wednesday of Every Month
December 6, 2023
Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
Food preparation begins at 1:00 PM
Meal service to guests runs from 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Cleanup ends around 5:00 PM
Lord's Table - 
Select as Many as You Would Like to Serve in:
Men's Shelter Occurs the 1st Monday and 4th Tuesday of Every Month
Men's Shelter - 
Select Which Dates You Would Like to Serve:
Men's Shelter | 1st Monday - 
Select the Areas You Would Want to Help in:
Men's Shelter | 4th Tuesday- 
Select the Areas You Would Want to Help in:
Shepherd's Table Occurs the 4th Friday of Every Month
Friday, February 28, 2025
Food distribution occurs every Thursday.
Men's Shelter - 
Select Your Desire Role:
Women's Shelter - 
Select Which Dates You Would Like to Serve:
Select the Areas You Would Want to Help in:
Nursing Home ministry occurs at various dates and times during each month. Choose one or more below that works for you.

Select Your Location and Arrive at the Indicated Time: *
Adopt a Block - 
Red Cross Blood Drive - 
Yes, I can help during this time:
Select one or multiple serving opportunities that work best for you and your schedule:
Younglives Occurs the 3rd Saturday of Every Month
Saturday, February 15, 2025
In What Capacity Can You Serve?
Saturday, February 15, 2025, 4:30 - 7:00 PM

100 South Market Street Frederick, MD 21701.

In What Capacity Can You Serve?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday,
you choose
Work Onsite or virtually.

19425 Woodfield Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Please Note: Some ministries operate with specific guidelines to ensure their unique missions are effectively supported.

Únete a un Equipo

Sembrar de nuevo en el reino de Dios.
¡Puedes marcar la diferencia en la vida de alguien uniéndote a un equipo de servicio hoy!

Complete la siguiente información para unirse a uno o más de nuestros equipos aquí en Church of the Redeemer.
Si no está seguro de a qué equipo le gustaría unirse, no se preocupe, ¡lo tenemos cubierto!
Puede seleccionar la opción "Todavía no lo sé" y uno de los miembros de nuestro equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted para ayudarlo a encontrar su lugar aquí con nosotros.

Si desea unirse a un equipo de alcancé,
haga clic aquí

Si desea unirse a un equipo de alcancé,
haga clic aquí

Equipo de Alabanza (Worship Team) - 
¿De Qué Equipo te Gustaría Formar Parte?
Equipo de Producción (Production Team) - 
¿De Qué Equipo te Gustaría Formar Parte?
Un Nuevo Tú (A New You) - 
¿De Qué Equipo te Gustaría Formar Parte?
Equipo para la Experiencia de Visitantes (Guest Experience Team) - 
¿De Qué Equipo te Gustaría Formar Parte?
Ministerio para Estudiantes (Redeemer Youth Team) - 
¿De Qué Equipo te Gustaría Formar Parte?