Serving Opportunities

Frederick | Grab-N-Go (Thursdays)

Our Grab N Go food distribution ministry is the time when we place boxes or bags of food into the trunk or back seat of a car. As a team member, you will help carry boxes or bags from our building to the curb and then greet guests as they arrive. Some team members join our prayer team and offer to pray for those with a need. Occasionally, some team members help to pack boxes or bags with available food as time allows. If you can serve on Thursdays between 10 AM and 1 PM this is your spot and we’d love to have you on the team. 

Gaithersburg | Grab-N-Go (Thursdays)

The Grab N Go food distribution ministry comprises several aspects: One is the time when we place boxes or bags of food into the trunk or back seat of a car. As a front line team member you will be assigned to one of several food distribution stations we have set up to service cars as they drive through our campus parking lot. There, you will assist us in placing the prepared bags in cars as they arrive at the station and interact with the driver to provide printed promotional material and direct them for prayer opportunities. Other team members join our prayer team and offer to pray for those with a need. On yet another team, members help pack boxes or bags with available food to keep the supply line going. There are also opportunities with our parking team and our data team - we feel sure there’s a spot for you. If you can serve on Thursdays between 9:45 AM and 1 PM this is your spot and we’d love to have you on the team.

Select the campus you wish to serve at.

Frederick Grocery Packing (Wednesdays)

Grocery packing is the important task of consolidating donated food from bulk orders into individual-sized boxes or bags to eventually be distributed to those in need. The team typically works in a production line style to create dozens, even hundreds of boxes or bags. The Team normally meets every Wednesday from 4 PM to 6 PM and we would love to have you on the team.

Gaithersburg Grocery Packing (Wednesdays)

Grocery packing is the important task of consolidating donated food from bulk orders into individual-sized boxes or bags to eventually be distributed to those in need. The team typically works in a production line style to create dozens, even hundreds of boxes or bags. The Team normally meets every Wednesday from 10 AM to 1 PM and we would love to have you on the team.

Select the campus you wish to serve at.

Grocery Delivery Team (various days, as needed)

The Grocery Delivery Team’s role is to deliver boxes or bags of food to people who are not able to get out of their home because they are homebound, afflicted with COVID-19, or have some other extenuating circumstance. If you have a car and the flexibility to drive to locations around the County we’d love to have you on this Team.

Neighborhood Grocery Giveaways

Every Wednesday we go to the different pre-selected communities to distribute food. Typically arrangements have been made ahead of time and people come and line up to receive food and have the option to pray with certain volunteers. Volunteers meet at Church of the Redeemer and follow our box truck to the location or they meet at the community. If you can participate at the community from 11 to Noon on Wednesdays’ someone will be in contact with you soon.

Production Ministry (Gaithersburg Saturday Night Services)
Worship Ministry
Creative Ministry
Online Campus Ministry
Spanish Ministry
Elevate Youth Ministry
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