HDSA Annual Convention Scholarship Application 2025- Western PA Chapter

The Huntington’s Disease Society of America is pleased to announce it is now accepting applications for scholarships to attend the 40th Annual HDSA Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

The intent of this scholarship program is to help families and individuals attend the Society’s 2025 Annual Convention. These scholarships are being provided through a bequest from The Sandra Wessel Estate, in honor of her daughters Wendy and Kelly.

Scholarship Availability & Application

The scholarship is open to anyone from the Western Pennsylvania Area (Ohio border on the west to the State College area on the east) impacted by Huntington's Disease.  Primary applicant must be 18 years or older as of January 1, 2025. Open to residents of the United States only. 

What does the Scholarship cover?

Travel by Automobile - Scholarship will cover:

  • Roundtrip mileage reimbursement at 70 cents per mile up to 1,200 miles round trip (distance to be calculated on Google Maps);
  • One hotel room for up to four family members at the JW Marriott Indianapolis for 3 nights, June 26 -June 28.
  • Convention Registration Fees for up to four family members.
  • Saturday night Convention Gala tickets for up to four family members.

*Reimbursement checks will be issued to be picked up onsite at the Convention Registration Office.

What doesn't the Scholarship cover?

  • Hotel incidentals (You will need to have a credit card and ID to check into your room.)
  • Transportation to and from the hotel/airport.
  • Meals that are not provided as part of the Convention registration. 


Application Deadline:

ALL Applications must be received no later than midnight, Monday, March 31st, 2025.

Notification of Winners

Applicants will be notified no later than April 7, 2025 as to whether they have been awarded a scholarship.

Questions or Concerns

Please contact Convention@hdsa.org

Select Which Scholarship you are applying for

Which Scholarship are you applying for? Please refer to the criteria above and select the one you qualify for. *

Lead Applicant Information

Do you require a special meal?

Applicant #2

Do you require a special meal?

Applicant #3

Do you require a special meal?

Applicant #4

Do you require a special meal?

Sections 1 through 7

1. Please confirm if you or your family have ever attended an Annual Convention (Each scholarship has different parameters, please read each one carefully.) *
2. Did you apply for a Convention scholarship in a previous year? *
3. Will you require Hotel Accommodations to Convention? *
3. Are you actively part of a local HDSA Chapter/Affiliate and/or support group *
5. The total 2024 Gross Annual Income for your household was: *
6. How many adults are employed in your household *
6. The primary source of income is *


8. Release of Liability: I hereby accept full responsibility for the safety and care of myself and the family members traveling with me should I be awarded an HDSA Annual Convention Scholarship. I and my family members traveling with me are able to travel on our own and attend the HDSA Annual Convention in Indianapolis, IN without aid or supervision. *