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Dispute a Report, Request a Copy of your Report, or Submit Documentation to AtBackgrounds Using this Secure Form

If you would like to request a copy of your Background Check, also known as a Consumer Report, or need to dispute an item contained therein, or need to submit documentation to AtBackgrounds, you have come to the right place. Information submitted through this form is encrypted for your protection and is not used for any purpose other than fullfilling your request.
If your employer ordered your report from AtBackgrounds, and you consented to that report, please proceed. Please note we do not hold or produce consumer reports on the general public.
Select Choice that applies to your request *
This form is not intended for third-party use. Contact AtBackgrounds via email at: or call 855-776-7524 for assistance.
How can we help? *

We Will Need to Verify Your Identity - Your Data will be Encrypted on Submission


Please allow up to 48 hours to process your request.
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