mGIuRs Abstract Submission Form

mGluRs invites abstracts from neuroscience-related research projects that are completed, ongoing, and proposed. Finished and ongoing projects are those in which the project is completely or partially executed, and the authors can report and interpret study results. Ongoing projects can be denoted by including “Preliminary Findings” in the abstract title.
Proposed projects are those in which the justification, objectives, and methodology are established but data collection is pending and/or in early stages. Specific abstract requirements for each project type are provided below.
For your abstract to be considered for mGluRs, please complete all fields below and submit your abstract by September 22, 2023. Only one student per project should submit an abstract. The faculty mentor associated with the project will receive a confirmation email after submission.
Please check the box that best describes your submission: *

Abstract submission

Complete the below fields. Please submit the information in the format requested.

See this example below:


Firstauthor A.B. 1, Secondauthor C.D. 2, Thirdauthor E.F. 3, Lastauthor G.H 1.

1: Department, Institution, Location (City, State)

2: Other author affiliation organized as above as necessary

3: Other author affiliation organized as above as necessary

Provide a few sentences of description of the ‘why’ of your research question(s), potentially concluding with a hypothesis statement.  Describe your methods (or proposed methods) in the detail that would be necessary for someone to replicate your work – be sure to include species, sex, any drugs and doses, as well as testing protocols and paradigms.  Speak to your results – what statistical tests did (or would) you perform to find what differences in what direction?  What did you expect to see and how does that expectation align (or not) with your results? – why?  Where do you see your study going from here and/or what are limitations?  What do your findings add (or do you hope will add) to this research question and the overarching field?  Please limit this abstract to 500 words, not including title, authors, or affiliations.

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