Baldwin Wallace Alumni Update Form



Please indicate your pronouns here. *

Education at BW

Include your undergraduate and graduate degree information.

Preferred Address

Business Information

Phone Numbers

Email Addresses

Preferred Email Address

What's New with You?

Share your life events and career news in this space.

News will appear in online class notes and may be considered for social media and other BW features.

Alumni Death Notifications

Family members and friends of a recently deceased YJ4L (Yellow Jacket for Life) may use this space to share a published obituary, text from a memorial service program, or other information. If you are unable to link to the obit, please provide the news outlet and publication date. 
You may also mail this information to the Office of Alumni Engagement at 275 Eastland Road, Berea, Ohio, 44017.

Deceased notifications will appear in the In Memoriam section of online class notes.