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Create an account by using the "Log in" button on the right in order to access your application. To create an account, use the "New User>" link below the submit button. A user account enables you to return to this form and your submitted results. An account will also enable you to partially complete this form and return later to finish. The account you establish is only for this form.

Click the "Log in" button on the right in order to access and enter your login info. You may use the "Forgot Password?" link if you have forgotton or need to reset your account password.

Your Contact Information

Preferred Method of Contact *

Academic Information

My academic institution is a(n)..... *
Are you a current UTEP student? *
Select your Undergraduate Status (by number of credit hours completed): *
Did you attend any other community college, college, or university before your current institution? *

Prior Research Experience

Have you worked on a research project or volunteered in a research lab with a UTEP faculty member or with a faculty member at another institution? *
Potential Mentor

If selected as a BUILDing SCHOLARS fellow, you will work closely with a UTEP faculty member who will be your mentor.  With this in mind, please answer the following question(s):

Do you have a potential UTEP faculty mentor in mind? (It is okay if you do not have one yet. You will have an opportunity to select one later.) *
Have you discussed applying to BUILDing SCHOLARS with your potential UTEP mentor? *
Note: Selection to the program will not be influenced by the prior identification of a faculty mentor. 

Demographic Information

I am a.....
Answering the following questions about gender, race and ethnicity is optional and will not be used for selection purposes. Information collected may be used for statistical information relevant to UTEP BUILDing SCHOLARS, and/or the National Institutes of Health. Note that individual identities will not be revealed. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. 
What would you describe yourself as?
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

Family Background Information

Answering questions about your family background is optional and will not be used for selection purposes. Information collected may be used for statistical information relevant to UTEP BUILDing SCHOLARS, and/or the National Institutes of Health. Note that individual identities will not be revealed. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. 
Are either of your parents a veteran?
Please indicate your mother’s/legal guardian’s educational attainment.
Please indicate your father's/legal guardian's educational attainment.
Please indicate your yearly household earnings.


Please provide the name and email address of a person who is not a member of your immediate or extended family who can submit a recommendation for you. This individual should be able to speak about your academic abilities, your research ability/interest and your desire to become a research scientist in a biomedical field (e.g., addiction, cancer, neurodegenerative and chronic diseases, environmental health, health disparities, infectious diseases and translational biomedicine) upon graduating with a PhD. This information will not be shared with anyone. A separate link will be sent to the recommender once the application is submitted. Recommenders will have until two weeks after the application close to complete the online recommendation and upload their letter.

Essay: Career Goals, Academic Goals, Personal Achievement And Life Challenges

You are almost done

Required Participation in Summer Research Programs 
If selected as a BUILDing SCHOLARS trainee, you will be required to participate in an external summer research biomedical experience. Information about these experiences can be found by contacting us at or visiting the COURI website. *
The system will allow you to submit only once.
It is highly recommended that you create a login/password if you will take more than one session to complete this application.
If you have questions, contact us at
By submitting this application, I consent to the use of my image, voice or any likeness for the purposes of advertising, marketing and promotion of the BUILDing SCHOLARS training program. I also authorize the publication of any award that I may receive. *
I certify that the information on this application is complete and correct. I understand that the submission of false information is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of traineeship and reimbursing the training program for expenses incurred that resulted from your selection to the program based on fraudulent information. *
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