Edinburgh's Christmas - Stallholder Application

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Thank you for your interest in being a part of Edinburgh's Christmas Markets with Unique Assembly.

Please take the time to read the information below.

We recommend you use the Save & Return function above, to create an account and return to this form if you cannot complete it in one go.

In keeping with its historical surroundings, Edinburgh’s Christmas Market will be spread out over different locations, each one providing a unique experience whilst seamlessly fitting our bespoke Christmas concept. The Edinburgh's Christmas events will operate between Friday 15th November 2024 and Saturday 4th January 2025.

Once again, we look forward to staging the market areas in and around Edinburgh City Centre. East Princes Street Gardens will feature some market areas as well as some other areas in the city centre. We will present a family-focussed Santa Land in West Princes Street Gardens- including many rides and games for the whole family. The path within the West Princes Street Gardens will create an appealing connection between the areas through various installations and festive lighting, and we plan to activate with stalls and lighting.

We will present an Ice Rink on George Street (between Charlotte Square and Castle Street) once again and will be activating the areas around George Street and Castle Street to further encourage more people to the area. 

To finish the Christmas circle, families can head to St Andrew Square for a special Santa's Story session in our beautiful Spiegeltent, as well as getting lost in the Christmas Tree maze.

Please note that this form represents an expression of interest of being part of the event and forms a preliminary and non-binding costing estimate. You may assert your preference for an area, but we cannot guarantee a certain area being offered, or available, whilst discussions with the Council are ongoing. 

Applications are currently open. Decisions will be made shortly, and applicants notified accordingly. We kindly ask you to refrain from asking for updates as this delays the process.

If you wish to apply for multiple stalls, please complete one application for each.

This application form will help you generate an estimate of costs for your involvement in the event should you be successful, but this is an estimate and exact quotations will be issued once your involvement is confirmed.


Overview of general costs

East Princes St Gardens & The Mound Precinct

Type of Stall Rate per running metre
Trade, Arts & Crafts, Food and
Beverage for home consumption
Trade, Arts & Crafts 100% handmade £1625.00
Catering Units £1825.00 + 20% of gross revenue (paid weekly)

North Castle Street and George Street Markets

Type of Stall Rate per running metre
Trade, Arts & Crafts, Food and
Beverage for home consumption
Trade, Arts & Crafts 100% handmade £892.50
Catering Units £1100.00 + 20% of gross revenue (paid weekly)

*The definition of this is at our discretion. If you fail to provide adequate proof of the goods you're selling, you will be charged the full price.

Trader Huts

We have options for you to rent a hut from us, or bring your own hut, so long as it meets with our specifications.  Rental prices depend on the location of your hut and more information follows.
Power Connection (mandatory for all units)
Connector for AC, 3-pin, shock-proof socket 16A
Up to maximum of 3kW £160.00
Connection 3-phase, 5-pin, Ceeform socket 16A Up to maximum of 10kW £260.00
Connection 3-phase, 5-pin, Ceeform socket 32A Up to maximum of 20kW £310.00
Connection 3-phase, 5-pin, Ceeform socket 63A Up to maximum of 40kW £360.00

Power Consumption

The average usage of electricity for trading per rent unit is 16 A up to maximum /3 kW on our markets. That's enough for a kettle and a small domestic heater.   Please make sure that you only book is what you really need as you will be charged accordingly.

2.1. Flatrate consumption (without electric meter)

16 A  Up to maximum of 3kW £600.00
16 A  Up to maximum of 10kW £1,575.00
32 A  Up to maximum of 20kW £2,000.00
63 A  Up to maximum of 40kW £2,800.00

or, alternatively

2.2. Charge according your actual consumption
Will be charged during and/or at the end of the event (with your own tested electric meter – obligatory!)

Price per kWh £0.60

Please note:
Electrical meters and connections for more than 3KW cables will not be provided by Unique Assembly Ltd (The Event Organiser).

If you opt to be charged by actual consumption, it is mandatory that the meter is installed and working by the first day oft the market. If not, you will be charged the full amount of the flat rate the next day. During the event, electricity will be charged based on the meter reading of usage (per KW/h).

Other Charges that apply:

Water and waste water flatrate (only for caterers) £530 (per stall)

Waste disposal  £65.00 (per front meter) for all stall holders

Refundable deposit £250.00 (per stall)