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Rural Early Learning Facility Improvement Grant:
Project Proposal Application (2024)

Project Description and Outcomes

Please review our Application Guidebook (PDF) if you have any questions about the process.
Which county is your program located in? *
Does the State of Oregon license you to provide child care? *
Which grant are you selecting? *
Select the licensing type or project goal that best fits you. *
Does your program provide full-day, full-year child care services? Full-day, full-year services are defined as at least 6 hours per day, five days per week, minus planned closures for major holidays, etc. *
Do you currently provide or are you willing to care for children on subsidy (Employment-Related Day Care, ERDC) and children with special needs? *

Please provide the name and contact information of your Licensing Specialist, CCR&R, Hub, or Inclusive Partners staff member who assisted you in your project's development.