MSc Hydrography Student Scholarship supported by Elevate Offshore

The closing date for applications is 31 July 2025.

To be eligible you must: 

  • be UK domiciled 
  • have been offered a full-time place on the MSc Hydrography starting in September 2025. 

Section A - Your details

At the University of Plymouth, we take data privacy seriously. We are committed to complying with data protection law and handling personal data correctly and appropriately.

Full University of Plymouth GDPR statement

Section B - Your education

Undergraduate degree 
Please provide details of your undergraduate degree.
Postgraduate degree
Please provide details of your highest postgraduate degree (if any).
Awards, experience and personal statement
0/150 words
0/250 words

Terms and conditions 

Upon your successful application, you will be expected to agree to the following terms and conditions: 

  • You must have enrolled at the University of Plymouth by the final enrolment date in autumn 2024. 
  • You will be required to make a presentation to an industry event about your studies and be expected to accompany them to an industry conference to promote the scholarship to potential applicants (all travel and associated expenses will be covered). 
  • If, by reason of any emergency or other circumstance, you as the award-holder do not complete your course, may be required to refund all, or part of the award as may be considered reasonable under all circumstances. 
  • You may be expected to take part in activities which promote the University and its award programme. This may include activity on social media, traditional media, the University’s website and in communication to donors and alumni. In addition, you must complete the reporting back form which will be sent at the end of your first year stating how the award has helped you in your academic career. This information may be used in literature to promote the value of and provide feedback to those who support the fund and the University. If a report is not received, this may result in subsequent applications being denied.  
  • Recognition of the award should be made wherever possible. Wording such as ‘Supported by the MSc Hydrography scholarship from Elevate Offshore’ would suffice, but please run the wording by the Development and Alumni Relations Office by emailing 
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