Consent form: Factors influencing the implementation of the Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC) model of care in England

If you have been involved in discussions and/or decisions about the implementation of Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC), we would like to hear from you. These activities relating to the MCoC may have been a central part of your professional role or just one element of your work. 
We would like to talk with a wide range of national and regional stakeholders to achieve multiple perspectives on how MCoC implementation decisions have been made and operationalised in different places. 
Please read the complete information for participants to understand what the project involves and how we will handle your data.
By completing this form, you can give your consent to participate in this project.

Please tick to confirm whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:
I have read the complete information for participants in this study. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily. *
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw my participation at any time without giving any reason or any of my rights being affected. I understand that requests to withdraw data from the study are only possible up to 30 September 2024. *
I understand that the information collected about me will be used to support other research in the future, and may be shared anonymously with other researchers. *
I agree to take part in an online interview and I understand that quotations from the interview (that do not identify me) may be used in the presentation of results. *
I agree to my interview being audio recorded. *
I agree to participate in this study. *
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