Introduction, General Licensing Information, Equipment, Tanker Inspection and Unloading

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Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer for each question.
Who is required to hold a valid milk haulers license? *
How often are Kansas milk hauler licenses renewed? *
Each milk hauler’s sanitation and sampling procedures will be evaluated by an inspector, how often? *
In order to keep a valid milk hauler’s license, all milk haulers and samplers must complete a written test every three years? *
How often do milk tankers and appurtenances need to be evaluated at a milk plant, receiving or transfer station? *
Your pickup practices should be conducted to preclude contamination of milk contact surfaces. *
The following documentation proof shall be kept on the milk tank truck: *
What identification should be labeled on a pocket or indicating thermometer which has been verified for accuracy against a certified thermometer? *
The strength of the sample dipper sanitizing solution is checked by doing what? *
When testing sanitizer strengths for sanitizing sample dippers or thermometers, what are the proper concentrations for the following sanitizers? *
Sample containers used by milk haulers/samplers shall be: *
Milk haulers are required to have the following equipment: *
How often should the bulk milk tanker, pump, hoses manhole vent, etc be washed? *
A milk haulers pocket thermometer should be calibrated each six months using a(n)? *
Who is responsible for the sanitary condition of the milk tank truck, pump and equipment? *
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