American Cat Fanciers Association
JR Member Point Submission

Our Mission:
Junior ACFA provides learning and leadership experiences for youth to introduce them to the world of cats, as these youth are the future of the cat fancy. Junior ACFA develops and provides programs that foster children's ethical, social, and intellectual development. While nurturing children's capacity to think skillfully and critically, we also strive to deepen chil-dren's commitment to social values such as kindness, helpfulness, personal responsibility, and respect for others - qualities believed to be essential to leading humane and productive lives in society. Junior ACFA as a part of the American Cat Fanciers Association, is promoted as family enter-tainment and recreation, a place where families can gather in a safe environment yet learn and con-tribute to society. Junior ACFA members actively participate in the development of their organization and decision-making processes so they feel ownership of Junior ACFA. Junior ACFA will continue to develop in an ongoing process as new needs are addressed.

To realize our vision and mission we follow these guiding principles:
    The friendly atmosphere of ACFA lends to the feeling and experience of a nurturing, extended family.
    Youth exposed to positive role models are inspired to grow and develop to their full potential.
    Youth who have many interests grow into knowledgeable, well-adjusted adults.
    Youth that learn the pleasure and responsibility of caring for cats grow into happy, caring, respon-sible adults.
    The bond between cats and people, especially when learned at a young age, provides lifelong coping skills and promotes a healthy lifestyle.
    Youth that learn and develop leadership skills will become the confident leaders of tomorrow.
    Youth that have ownership in an organization become proud loyal members. .
    Good sportsmanship will an important element of Junior ACFA and will be strongly encouraged.

We adopt ACFA’s Goals for the Cats: Promotion of the best interests of purebred and non-purebred cats and of breeders, owners and exhibitors of cats; and promotion of education, knowledge and interest in all domesticated cats, purebred and non-purebred, for the general public.


Member Information


I want to be a Jr Member of ACFA from January 1st-December 31st


Group 1 – (3 Max per show season)
Group 2 – Unlimited
Group 3 – (3 Max per show season)
Group 4 – Unlimited

Bonus - Only when available


Current Total:
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