American Cat Fanciers Association Inc Advertising Opportunities

We have some Advertising Opportunities available to YOU!

There are several package options for your consideration. Whether you are advertising on one platform or all, check out these deals!
ACFA Website Feature- A great spot full of ACFA information for Breeders and Exhibitors alike. Connect with new people searching for Breeders and products.
2024-2025 Show guide- Full page, half page and business card options available so that you can showcase your cattery and products in our handout that every exhibitor attending a show has a chance to pick up and browse. This is the tool that will be referenced if they are considering getting involved in ACFA too!
Annual Yearbook Spotlight- This is a unique opportunity to reach new members and long time cat enthusiasts. The Annual yearbook is included in our regular memberships as well as for purchase to others. You can advertise full page, half page, business card etc..
If you would like to take advantage of these deals, the final deadline is August 9th, 2024. New show guide will be available to hand out by the Annual, which will be held in Appleton, WI this year. Website ads will be published at that point, and the yearbook will be published shortly thereafter.

Did you know that some of our ACFA shows have anywhere from 500 to 1000 spectators? Did you also know that our website gets well over 3,000 visits in any given month? Think of the opportunities this can offer to you, your breeding program, your breed group, your business, or to a business that you might want to share this information with.

Please contact us for more information regarding these package rates.  Please use the link below to send in your ads! 
Karly Chnupa
(219) 678-5049

Frequently Asked Question & Answers

Q – Are there prices for non ACFA members? 

A – Non ACFA members can either use the Commercial rates or they can consider becoming an ACFA member.


Q – Are there prices for B/W Commercial ads? 

A – In past years with the ACFA Yearbook, all our Commercial ads have been in color.  If you wish to have a Commercial ad in B/W, please contact Don Finger or Karly Chnupa so that we can discuss creating a rate for your ad.


Q – Can you explain a little more about the Package Rates? 

A – With the Package Rates, your ad will receive all of the following:

  1. Your ad will appear in the ACFA Show Guide at whatever size you purchase for the next year. It will be sent out to all our ACFA Clubs and Shows to be handed out to all spectator families that attend shows and other club functions.
  2. Your ad will appear in the ACFA Yearbook that is sent to all members of the Association. This Yearbook becomes a lasting document of the Association's Awards to our top Cats, Kittens, Alters and Household Pets for this past show season.  We also have exhibitors, who might not be a current member, purchase the Yearbook, especially if they have had a winning cat in this past show season, or are the breeder of a cat who may have been featured in the Yearbook.
  3. Your ad will appear in all the ACFA Bulletins for the next year. There are 7 Bulletins that are sent out to all the members of ACFA regarding the ongoing activities of the Association.  We also offer the Bulletins to non ACFA members who wish to receive the Bulletins, and have gone to the ACFA website and signed up for the Bulletin.
  4. Your Ad will appear on the ACFA Website for the next year. You can also have a link with your ad to transfer the interested observer back to a page for further information regarding your product, or further information you wish to provide.
  5. The ACFA Show Guide will also be used to attract other business for ACFA, and to provide information about ACFA. We will be offering the Guide to clubs to hand out to local veterinarian offices and other interested parties across the US and Canada, to help promote each ACFA club.  Your ad will be seen by an even larger audience than just exhibitors at shows.

Q – What if my products or my information regarding my ad changes during the year? 

A – You can change the ad on the website, or the ad that appears in the Bulletin as often as you like.  However, your changes must be received before the deadline for publication of the Bulletin for the changes to occur.  A list of the Bulletin publication deadlines can be provided to you.  The website changes can occur as quickly as our webmaster can load the changes once they are received.

Contact Information


Advertising Package
Commercial Ads
Package includes Yearbook,
Show Guide, Bulletin & Website

Advertising Package
Member Pricing
Package includes Yearbook,
Show Guide, Bulletin & Website
ACFA Show Guide
Commercial Prices
ACFA Show Guide
Member Prices
ACFA Yearbook Ads
Commercial Prices
ACFA Yearbook Ads
Member Prices
ACFA Yearbook Ads

Current Total: