BW COF STEM Healthcare Scholars Program Graduate/Post-Bacc Application 2025-2026

Questions with an asterisk (*) indicate that a response is required.


Graduate and post-bacc programs eligible for this Choose Ohio First Award are: 
Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Physician Assistant, and Speech Language Pathology.
Intended Program *


These essay questions help us learn about you in ways that go beyond what your educational information alone can convey. Please use this opportunity to tell us what makes you unique. Both essays are required; please include them in a single document and attach it below.  Be sure to include your name on the document and in the file name.  There is no set length requirement, but 300 to 500 words is a general guideline.


We will review the information that you have submitted with your BW application. Please provide us with contact information for an additional reference with whom we can follow up as necessary.


By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have completed all content in this COF STEM Healthcare Scholars Program Application and it is current and accurate. 
I have also read and understand that if chosen as a COF STEM Healthcare Scholar, I will be required to:
-Participate in the program's coaching, educational, social, and professional development activities 
-Maintain Good Academic Standing and earn a minimum grade point average each semester of 3.0
-Declare an eligible STEM Healthcare major and enroll in related coursework each semester
-Participate in work-based learning and exploration of opportunities in rural healthcare
Signature of applicant * 🛈