National Bar Association
1225 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Registration Information

Fill in the information below to receive your Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition application materials.
Student Information
Gender *

Student School Information

Parent/Guardian Information:


A. Essay Format:

1. The essay should be no longer than 1,000 words.

2. The type font must be Arial, 12 point, double-spaced.

3. The margins shall be 1” and text shall be fully justified.

4. The essay may be submitted via e-mail or U.S. mail, but e-mail is preferred.

a. If submitted via e-mail, the Contestant must send the essay as an attachment to an e-mail in Word format and send to the Regional Director for your region, or the e-mail address indicated by the Regional Director. E-mail addresses are also available on the NBA website.

b. If submitted by mail, the essay must be typewritten and mailed to the Regional Director for your region, or to the address indicated by the Regional Director. Mailing addresses can be found at

B. Regional Competition Rules:

1. Eligible Contestants: Current high school seniors who will be accepted to an accredited two-year or four-year college or university by the spring of 2011 are eligible to compete contestants who advance to the National Competition must prove their acceptance at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university. In addition, the contestant must be enrolled in their colleges or universities for the fall semester immediately following the National Competition at the Annual National Bar Association convention. All contestants in the National Competition shall receive a scholarship to be used for their educational expenses. The top 3 contestants shall receive the largest scholarships.

2. Assessment of Essays and Oral Presentations: Essays and Oral Presentations will be evaluated according to six categories: (a) quality, (b) content, (c) persuasiveness, (d) style, (e) organization, and (f) creativity. The maximum number of points each Contestant may receive per category is five points for a maximum total of thirty points for the entire essay and thirty points for the entire oral presentation. Advancing Contestants shall be notified via e-mail. Advancing Contestants MUST confirm their participation within 48 hours of receiving notification.

3. The Essay Question: The Contestant must incorporate the topic and/or answer the essay question. It should not be recited verbatim. Failure to incorporate the topic and/or answer the essay question will result in points being deducted.

4. Essays: All essays submitted become the property of the National Bar Association. They will not be returned. Contestants should retain a copy for his/her records.

6. Props: The Contestant is prohibited from using any props. Any use of props will result in points being deducted. Although, the Contestant may use notes.

7. Timing: The oral presentation shall be a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of seven minutes. An oral presentation outside of this timeframe will result in points being deducted.

8. Dress: All Contestants should be dressed in business attire (i.e., suits and ties for the men and suits or dresses for the women) for the Regional Competition.

9. Waiver: You agree to sign a Photography Release Waiver and Release of Liability and include this waiver when you submit your essay or before you compete in the regional competition.

Photography Release Waiver & Liability Waiver * 🛈
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