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Instructions/Kits Proposal Form

By completing and submitting this form, you agree that this project is your original idea and it does not violate any copyrights or trademarks of any kind.  You are representing that this is your idea and your submission to make, and it is free and clear of any issues of the sort.

Please visit this page for more information about what the program entails and how designers who have a project accepted will be compensated.

3. What type of project are you proposing?
0/500 characters
4. Is this piece your original design?  If you answer "no" or "sort of" please explain why it would be appropriate to list you as designer.  Will anyone else need a credit?  (ie - "Beaded Fire Wyrm is based on Fire Wyrm by Hysteria 101")
0/500 characters
5. Have you published instructions for this project elsewhere?  If so, please detail the publication name and date of publication.
0/500 characters
0/1000 characters
7. What level do you think your project is appropriate for? *
0/500 characters
0/1000 characters
9. Do you know what sizes work in alternative metals?  (ie - if your piece is in sterling, do you know what base metal sizes will work and vice versa?) *
0/500 characters
10. If you answered "no" or "sort of" to the previous question:  Do you want B3 to determine the sizes for alternative metals, or will you find this out on your own?
0/500 characters
11. Do you know what sizes will work to make the piece smaller or larger?
0/500 characters
12. If you answered "no" or "sort of" to the previous question:  Do you want B3 to determine smaller/larger sizes, or will you find this out on your own?
0/500 characters
13.  If your design moves to the second round of consideration to be published by B3, we will ask you to provide basic step-by-step photos and instructions for creating the piece. (These can be SUPER basic. Even cell photo photos are okay.)  Are you able to provide these items? *
0/500 characters
0/1000 characters
0/1000 characters
16. How many pages do you think your instructions will be? *
0/500 characters
0/1000 characters

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